Dear Wife:
During our long and wonder conversations you have expressed positive feelings about our former vice-president Al Gore.
After dinner tonight I was reading his recent book, "An Assault on Reason". In the chapter entitled "The Politics of Fear" Mr. Gore reminds us of something former President Richard Nixon said in an interview after he left office in disgrace, "People react to fear, not love. They don't teach that in Sunday school, but it's true."
Gore goes on to say in relation to his father's and Edward Muskie's political loses in 1968, "There are only two kinds of politics. There is not radical and reactionary or conservative and liberal or even Democratic and Republican. There are only the politics of fear and the politics of trust. One says you are encircled by monstrous dangers. Give us power over your freedom so we may protect you. The other says the world is a baffling and hazardous place, but it can be shaped to the will of men." Mr. Gore expresses pride in both men and feels that their "politics" will eventually win out.
As I reflect on the recent Democratic primary, the political slogan that comes to mind is, "Who is answering the White House phone at 3am in the morning?" Is that the politics of fear or the politics of trust? And I wonder, will politics ever raise about that tactic? Am I just a dreamer?
I was appalled when that i heard about that commercial. I had hoped for better than that. For too long this country was browbeaten by fear and the promise of threats.
I had hoped for some newness in the political arena after the past either years but this is a reminder that we could be hearing the same old story and the only newness is the packaging.
And what did mrs. Yard Dog say?
DP ... I am sure you will understand when I say, "Never speak for the wife!" But at dinner last night after a fun movie and over a very nice bottle of chianti and before the salad, it occurred to me how passionate she is about a woman running for office ... and, here is where I get into trouble but in someway Mrs. Clinton may represent her own ambitions and drive; they are not unfamiliar.
But again, I would NEVER speak for here ... I am just "the husband."
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