Sunday, August 9, 2009

GOP can go South

Published last week:

I love the South; the memories I have of long ago family “car” trips through it, and more recently one particular former Pasadena resident who has now moved back to her home in Alabama. But it was in the South many years ago that I discovered that people hated “Negros”; that there were black and white drinking fountains and when I heard my father firmly say to his two boys, “We don’t think like that; we don’t live like that!”

Years later I remember hearing the commentators say that the Democratic Party would “lose the South” if they move forward on issues of justice and equal rights. “Demand and implement equal rights in voting and in education and the South will go Republican,” they said. Somewhere in my teens I thought, “Well let them go; let bigotry go, let hatred go. It’s okay.” That was not the America I learned about in school or the one my parents believed in.

Today Republican Sen. George Voinovich of Ohio said the Republican Party was being “taken over by the Southerners,” with their “extremist ideas.” Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana shot back, calling Voinovich "a moderate, really wishy-washy.”

I think it is time to let the Republican Party become “Southern.” Let them dwell there with the uglier parts of our historical and political life. Free up the rest of us to remember everything that has makes our country great. Leave the bigotry and hatred there and hope that someday it will wither away and die in the swamps of South Florida.

Frank Clark

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