Saturday, September 27, 2008

John McCain’s policy positions

John McCain’s policy positions and voting records have been dismally homophobic. He has opposed every single gay rights measure of recent years. He opposes same-sex marriage, supports the Defense of Marriage Act, and — contrary to the “let the states decide” mantra of more moderate Republicans — has endorsed the California ballot initiative that would overturn the existing right for same-sex couples to marry. In fact, he’s even more extreme than that — he opposes any sort of recognition for same-sex partnerships, actively campaigning for a ban on them in his home state of Arizona. He is opposed to gays serving in the military — even in wartime, when recruiting is down and the military is desperately understaffed — and supports the discriminatory “don’t ask/ don’t tell” policy. He fought and voted against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would have protected gays and lesbians from being fired for their sexual orientation.

And then add Sarah Palin to the mix and things only get worse ... how could anyone pick her to hold one of the second highest office in the land? And talk about homophobic ... her record in it's own way is equally dismal and she does it because "the Bible tells her so" What in the world has happened in the life of American Politics?

1 comment:

the Reverend boy said...

Plus, McCain's Chief of Staff, Mark Buse, is gay.
