Monday, March 10, 2008

Sally Kerns "INTO THE DUST BIN OF HISTORY AWARD" - goes to Sally Kerns

So... what does Oklahoma House Representative, Sally Kern (right) have to say about the world around us? "The homosexual agenda is destroying this nation," she says. Gays are "the death knell of this country ." They are as "bad" as Islam and worse than international terrorism!

What asked about her comments, Ms. Kern is reported to have stated,
"I said nothing that was not true."

You know, the one good thing about the "Kerns" of the world? Nothing quite helps the cause of justice than a "nice" bigot with irrationally based fears.

District 84 of the Oklahoma House Representative
s, Sally Kerns: winner of this week's INTO THE DUST BIN OF HISTORY AWARD ...


Doorman-Priest said...

Glad to see an elected official with her finger on the pulse of modern society.

Being a gay Muslim then must really put you beyond the pale.

Anonymous said...

I found out at that her son is, in fact, gay.

The article is rather mean though towards her son, Jesse in some respects, though. I feel bad for him.

Yard[D]og said...

Her son is gay! and this is how she treats gay persons? I am confused ... totally.

Yard[D]og said...
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Yard[D]og said...
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Yard[D]og said...

I have a very good friend from Oklahoma. He sent me a private email saying that he was not much up on Oklahoma "bashing." I am not quite sure that pointing out the Ms. Kerns" behavior "bashes" the entire state of Oklahoma. But he is a good friend so I am posting the following link to a very good "Oklahoma" event. YD