Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have finally figured out what the pollsters mean by “high negatives.” And it’s something that is missing from the objective commentary on the Clinton/Obama race. As much as I admire them, a lot of ordinary “yaller dog” Democrats simply do not what to relive the disappointments, frustrations and imagined scandals of the Clinton era.

Now I want to be very clear, I cried when President Clinton took that long drive away from the White House ... but in the back of my mind I kept thinking, “Why didn't he keep his pants up?” And I have a few Republican friends who have an irrational hatred for anything "Clinton" ... it is part of their DNA.

Early on in this campaign season I caught a glimpse of what it would be like to have a woman as President ... and that is a wonderful thing. But that excitement just does not get me beyond the fear of having to relive the negatives that the Clinton's bring with them this election season.

When the Republican attack dogs seek to destroy Obama, as they undoubtedly will, the "victim" in Obama is young, energetic, passionate, and principled and has already layout a response. “There they go again." Isn't that old? Isn't that tired? Is that what America is about? That is in the past.

And there are no old memories, no disappointments.

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