Karl Rove is warning the Republican base that his political creation of religious anti-gay bigots, Southern racists, and riffle totting NRA Westerners should not crackup; that they should “calm down.” The GOP's demise isn’t imminent; after all now the anti-immigrant group has joined us. The race has only begun, he says.
My great hope for our country is that Mr. Rove’s deeply flawed view of America and her people will once and for all be proved wrong and that he and others like him will become just a bad memory; relegated to history’s dust bin.
There is a better America, one that welcomes the stranger, whose laws are just and revered by the world, that cares for the poor, that educates all its children and seeks peace as its number one objective. And there is an America that seeks to include all of its citizens not just a few, not just the wealthy.
I can not say I know which of the Democratic Parties candidates is better. I just know that one of them has a vision of moving us beyond the internecine atmosphere of the last 35 years. And that vision alone is enough for me to vote for Barack Obama.
Wouldn't an articulation of some of those stances break laws?
Not necessarily "break" laws as you new ones would have to be passed to make them happen.
My feeling is that the pendulum has begun to swing here ... that the present conservative view of defining themselves by what they are NOT as appose to presenting a point of view is changing.
Progressive politics seems to have more of an edge now and along with that "edge" will come legislation will focus on the common good instead of the common wealth ... helpfully.
Thx DP
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