"Issues" with Senator Obama's race, religion and marriage will be hammered into us by the political right now. It is to be expected; they are running scared for the first time in 30+ years. Undoubtedly Republican conservatives along with their religious bigots, war hawks, racists and corporate "lap dogs" will try to do their "work" this election cycle.
Just watch as “gay marriage” finds its way on to ballots (as it has in California) or as fear of terrorism is excelled (as it has when the Supreme Count restored the fundamental right of Habeas Corpus to our judicial system). To keep from losing they will try to divide us, make some of “less” because of our faith, or wealth or lack of it, or color or nationality or sexual orientation. That group will eat its own (as it did in 1964 when moderate Vice President Nelson Rockefeller was laughed off the Republican Convention stage). Read Carl Rove’s play book!
But just hopefully an America that cares, that represents its best values, that seeks to bring people together, that seeks peace instead of war, that cares for the world, that welcomes the foreigner, that values the environment and all the people who live in it, will come to dominate our political reality on January of 2009.
If the motivation for being involved in this political season is represented by the politics of the past 30+ years ... it is a point of view unworthy of our founders, our liberties or our countries greatest aspirations.
Slightly off topic ... I recall that quite a few African Americans were concerned for Barak's safety because he was black and were considering voting for Hillary for that reason.
Now that he has clinched the nomination, I have heard and read of those same people walking a bit taller, and big grins spreading across people's faces!
His candidacy is even giving hope to black people in Europe and elsewhere, according to the NYTimes!
In many ways, his candidacy is indicative of our country's real core values ... values which are NOT, i hasten to add, the values of the religious right and secular neo-cons.
Here endeth the sermon
Good sermon, I'd say! Amen!
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