I can not put myself on some "supper level" when it comes to understanding what the last seven years in our political history have been about. Many others are beginning to reveal the inter-workings of the Bush White House. The latest is the book by Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan called, "What Happened".
I read about the book and twice listened to Mr. McClellan's interview this morning on the Tim Russet show. Mr. McClellan says he didn't speak up against the overselling of war in Iraq at the time because he, like other Americans, gave the president the benefit of the doubt.
What the hell is that all about? Are we at war because people were afraid to speak up? Listen to McClellan! Everything he says maybe true but what kind of a person would put this country and it's people at such a risk?
Are they stupid? Who in the world have we let be in charge? What the hell is going on?
I have no respect for Mr. McClellan; not because he ratted on the idiots who seem to be running things but because he did not have the guts to confront what was happening around him ... and instead contributed to the very thing he now exposes.
It was just the same here: Blair told us it was so and we believed (mainly).
It is a good thing just to be against war generally, to protest it always and to never let anyone tell you it is a "good thing" ...
I joined tiny little groups who stood on street corners, or listened to speeches in parks ... and always felt a little foolish ... but never did I think I was doing the wrong thing.
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