Wednesday, October 24, 2007

NOTHING on poverty

A small group of my brothers (probably not sisters) in Christ met in Washington last weekend at something they called a "Values Summit." The only thing on there minds were gays and abortions and which Republican presidential candidate would be toughest on "them gays" (and their "gay agenda") and the "abortionists" even though surveys of that same group say that the economy and Iraq are their number one & two concerns.

David Kuo, President Bush's former special assistant in the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives seem aghast and stopped commenting on the "summit" saying in his blog, Beliefnet. "I must end the post now or else I will write things that I will have to repent for."

So it seems that the religious extremists are still in charge of the Republican primaries.

At the conclusion of the values "event" it seems that former Baptist minister Mike Huckabee won the day for those attending until call-in voters were added and then "the great switch-a-rue from 'livable' republican to right wing appeaser", former governor, Mitt Romney of Massachusetts was first. Now ain't that special.

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